Your message below will go directly to Suki’s email. Your email address will NOT be automatically added to any list as a result of filling out this form.
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I recently came by your website
I thought you’ve done a very nice job with it!
I’m writing to you because I’d like to know if you’re interested in a sponsored post related to the topics on your site.
I’d also like to discuss the possibility of a paid, non-intrusive link placement in one of your existing articles.
Let me know what you think.
Cooking food.
We have a team of 55+ highly qualified professionals who are certified in Google AdWords and ISO standards providing a wide range of services in order to generate higher visitor traffic to your website. This ensures that your website gets higher rankings on the search engine pages. We offer SEO (with plan & activity) Services at much lower Cost. I’d be happy to send you our package, pricing, and past work details.
Emma Bowles
I am writing a book (either printed or an eBook, I haven’t decided yet) on creative advertising for students who are learning to be copywriters and art directors in advertising.
In the book, I wish to include a few recipes from your website so that youngsters who are joining ad agencies, but living away from home, can cook and eat wholesome meals. I found some of your recipes very useful and inspiring.
I am formally requesting your permission to quote a few of the recipes in text format (only text, no photos). I will happily give credits to RelishTheBite for each recipe, at the end of each of your recipes itself.
For instance: “Recipe Courtesy, and used with permission from RelishTheBite:
Please let me know if you are ok with this.
My book will most likely be free for the student, but I may charge them a nominal amount for downloading from Amazon Kindle (if I do decide to publish on Amazon, and if Amazon charges me), or printing and sending a paper version of the book if a student so desires.
With good wishes
Rajan Nair
Creative Director and Admin
Hey ,
I found Security Vulnerability in your web application. For security purpose can we report vulnerability here,then will i get bounty reward in PayPal or Bitcoin for Security bug ?
Independent security research
Hi! I too was messaged that your dite has a serious vulnerability aspect attached to it. I want to get regular emails from you for your recipes but am scared of the warning given. Please figure out what that warning is about, fix the problem and get the warning removed once fixed. Please do!!!
I am sure i am not the only person who won’t follow you unless you repair the problem in the warning…BUT you have a wonderful site which people will miss out on (and so will you miss out!). So please yes do get it fixed.
Big problem with your site!!!! LOOK AT IT. CORRECT IT ASAP! It is not a secure site!!! Fix. Fix. Fix.
Backlink/guest post?
My name is Natalie and I am a junior editor on our blog.
We would be delighted to feature at
Please let me know whether this is of interest to you.
Kind regards
Schonhauser Allee 67 79874 Breitnau Germany
Hello Admin
Clear and reassuring! It’s good to know that the message goes directly to Suki without any automatic subscriptions.